Thursday 13 February 2014

Arabic Beginners Guide

This guide was written for Arabic beginners that don’t know where to start learning Arabic. Arabic is spoken by an estimated two-hundred sixty million people around the world and is the official language of several countries in the Middle East and Northern Africa. Each region has it’s own regional Arabic dialect, although the standard dialect is Modern Standard Arabic which is understood by many but can be considered too formal.
The most important thing you need to have before you start learning Arabic. You need to have a reason to learn Arabic .To keep you properly motivated towards your goal of becoming fluent with Arabic. Motivation to learn will be your biggest challenge to determine if you’ll be successful or not. So focus on a reason to keep you interest and motivation for the long haul.

Familiarises Yourself with the Arabic Alphabet And Arabic Numbers
Learning to read the Arabic Alphabet should be the first stop for Arabic beginners. First thing that sticks out is that Arabic is written right to left. Arabic has 28 characters and most of them are consonants with no capitals and small letters. Unlike the Arabic alphabet, Arabic numbers are written left to right like English. Further information about both the Arabic Alphabet and Arabic Numbers linked below.

Learn Arabic AlphabetLearn Arabic Numbers
Arabic Vocabulary and Phrases
The logical next step for Arabic beginners after learning the Arabic Alphabet would be to start developing your Arabic vocabulary with Arabic words and phrases. Pronouncing Arabic words can be challenging at first because some sounds in Arabic are pronounced deep in the throat and may not be familiar for Arabic beginners at first. I put together two posts of Arabic vocabulary and one post of Arabic phrases for Arabic beginners to start building their knowledge of Arabic Words and Phrases.
Arabic Grammar
The Arabic grammar rules you must follow and understand to properly speak the Arabic language. Sentences in Arabic can be formed in two different ways. Nominal and Verbal. Arabic nouns can be masculine or feminine. Arabic uses only present tense verbs which can be conjugated into other tenses. Arabic Adjectives only come after the noun they describe. More information about Arabic grammar can be found below.
Consider a Online Arabic Language Course
If your really serious about learning Arabic and want to maximize your time then you should consider using an Arabic language course to further aide you in your quest to learn Arabic. There are several great programs out there that deliver a great language learning experience. The advantages of a language learning program is the organization and having a next step already lined up. Most break down the lessons into 30 minute intervals that can fit into any type of schedule. Flexibly to retry a lesson to make sure you understand what you are learning and give you confidence in succeeding. Examples of great Arabic language programs can be found below.
Rosetta Stone ArabicPimsleur Modern Standard ArabicRocket Arabic

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